Tânia Gallindo MBACP RCST

Psychotherapeutic counsellor and Biodynamic Craniosacral therapist


Guided Meditation Online Sessions


In my experience of meditation (retreats 7-10 days) you connect with body's breath or/and sensations in order to eventually slow down your mind's activity. When your thoughts become spaced out there is an opportunity to sharpen you inner and outer attention. Physiologically you initiate a process where your nervous system changes gears, operating from the parrassimpatectic branch of your autonomic nervous system which has a positive effect in various areas of one's life. Its benefits are a deeper more expansive breathing, feeling calmer, sleeping better, relaxing, and clarity of mind. The connection that takes place resembles meeting an old dear friend within oneself. 


People often think that in order to be able to meditate or be in a meditative state one needs to completely wipe out thoughts which is quite untenable, neither the ultimate objective of it. The mind's job is to think therefore the work of meditation is about, noticing your thoughts and going back to whatever you were focusing your attention upon, breath, sensation, mantra etc. That constant shift of attention initially feels like impossible as the mind will be chattering about the past, future and the present and creating sensations in your body in an attempt to get your attention away from whatever you are focusing on your mediation. The work is about being in this ping pong interaction with yourself, one moment you are with your thoughts and the next with your breath, sensation or mantra. That's when something gradually magical starts to take place, you start getting gaps or short moments where there is no thought. People experience then moments of peace, breathing seems easier, the physical pain to be seated all of sudden seems to disappear, sometimes tears come down, and a variety of feelings, including anger, sadness, grief and joy may appear.


You become in touch with a thick precious inner silence which can be descibed as a godlike experience, touching the divine which is in you. The worries, fears, stress, pain seems to disappear or ease off and you become present to all that is around you with a more equanimous mind. There is less of jugments towards yourself and others.


Guided meditation sessions


In my work as a therapist I use guided meditation to help people to see themselves in a different light. I often work with people experiencing a variety of trauma related symptoms such as OCD, Panic attacks, ADHD and a number of Anxiety disorders. The guided mediation has helped my clients to find peace and a productive way to deal with their situations.


This type of meditation is ideal if for people who would like to have a taste of mediation. People that are experiencing difficulties with anxiety and its detrimental effect on one's life. It is a simple but effective way to improve some conditions you might be experiencing.


Where do they take place?


They are online, once a month, first Monday of each month at 7pm. Sessions last 90 min. The first 30 min we introduce ourselves by briefly sharing how we feel. That is followed by setting the space for the practice. I will guide you through paying attention to your breath followed by focusing on body sensations. We  will have a 15min break for people to share their experience and finish with a brief breath focusing guided meditation.


Please note that the order and time of the above might change on the day depending on the number of participants (max 6). In order to participate it is important to have a good wifi connection so you can be seen and heard clearly.


If you have any queries please contact me at taniaglindo@gmail.com


Fee is £20 



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