Tânia Gallindo MBACP RCST Psychotherapeutic Counselling in Stroud, Gloucestershire
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy in Stroud near Gloucester and Online

About . 30/6/20


My training background is varied including, physical theatre and dance where I trained while living in Brazil, where I grew up. It was through participating in physical theatre trainings and performing under the direction of some Brazilian  professionals directors that I started to be aware of my body and emotions. In 1988 I left my work as a public servant and came to England to study physical theatre. I studied with Desmond Jones in an intensive 3 months training which was interesting but I had other callings that engaged my attention. I worked as a waitress, baby sitter, chambermaid, cook, cleaner to support myself during my trainings.


The creative work of physical theatre led me into studying 3 years of Shiatsu (Japanese massage) and 6 years of Martial Arts (Kitaido) with Senzei Ken Waight, internationally known shiatsu, acupuncturist and founder of Kitaido in London. Kitaido is a type of Martial Arts based on developing and becoming aware of body energies such a ki (japanese) or Chi (chinese). It is a beautiful movement practiced often in nature under the elements. It has opened my body and awareness in a myriad of ways to which I am very grateful for. 


Inspired by my Shiatsu teachers who all practiced Zen meditation I booked my first retreat (1999) that took place nearby Liverpool UK. It was a Zen retreat led by Tenshin Fletcher Roshi trained in the White Plum lineage by Maezumi Roshi. Tenshin is the Abbot of Yokoji Zen Mountain Center in the US and was leading my first seven day Zen retreat. It was a challenging experience that opened my eyes wide with intense moments of joy, peace and heart expansion. The world had a different tinge, everything felt so alive which contrasted to my everyday life situation at the time. A priceless experience that led me into the right type of revolution needed in my life at the time. 


Meditation carried on being an important resource in my life and I kept practicing Zen meditation for few years. As time passed I came across Vipassana meditation which has a different approach to meditation but similar in some aspects to Zen meditation. I started attending ten days Vipassana meditation retreats in 2014 and I still practice it, participating in retreats once a year. It is a real gift to have a place to go where you are looked after and have the space to be in silence. Being in silence is a great tool to know oneself. 


Due to my own experience of pregnancy and birth I joined in 2002 the year training on the subject of Shiatsu for Pregnancy with Suzanne Yates in Bristol (UK). She is a very dedicated teacher around Shiatsu massage for pregnancy and run workshops on the subject worldwide. Through this work which sometimes took me to hospitals with clients, gave me an awareness of so many issues affecting women’s pregnancy and birth, mainly the misuse of what is regarded as sacred that happens in hospitals on a regular basis.


During my pregnacy I received various craniosacral treatments which made me curious as it was the most relaxing treatment I ever had experienced. It also helped to release trauma energy which was trapped in my body. I trained for 2 years in Craniosacral therapy (CTET) in 2005 in London which was very important in my development both as a person and as a therapist.


In further callings I joined Tantra trainings, the western version of it which focus more on sexuality. I enrolled in a experiential year training with Ma Ananda Sarita working with the energies of the seven chakras. That was mind blowing and fun and although I am grateful of the experience, I was left longing for more depth. I was looking for another teacher to work with and in 2012 I attended to a workshop with Shakti Malan. She was a great inspiration, she was from South Africa and run various workshops in England and worldwide.The subject was women’s sexuality. That culminated in to a 13 moths training with Shakti and her assistants online and in person between 2014-2015. The training was about coaching women on the subject of sexuality exploring the spiritual and sacred aspects of it.  Part of the work involved us exploring our own sexuality using process work. Process work is a creative way of working which brings awareness of our inner and outer worlds. For that purpose we practiced, meditations, guided imagery and dancing, with plenty of time to share and process our experiences. Sadly Shakti passed away few years later. She deeply inspired me and I am grateful our paths have crossed and as a result I joined yet another training.


This time a more mainstream type of training, a PGDip degree in counselling with The Psychosynthesis Trust in London. This was an excellent training with plenty of process work. This training felt like the cherry on the top, making all my other trainings more significant. Also my past trainings and life experiences have been of great influence on how I work with counselling clients.

I have developed and run a series of workshops for women around sexuality and healing in London, Brazil and New Zealand between 2014 and 2019. The theme was exploring the energy fields of sexuality using the beautiful touch of craniosacral therapy.

The work I create acknowledges body and soul, thus inviting you to embody your experience, dismissing nothing and embracing all you are. 

Below are some of my more recent CPD workshops: 


* Anthroposophical Psychotherapy - 2023 - Emerson College (Uk) - John lees, Marah Evans 

* Advanced Master Programe on the treatment of Trauma -Nicabm - 2022 - Bessel van der Kolk, Peter Levine  Stephen Porges, and others - Online

*Virtual Craniosacral therapy workshop - 2021 - Thomas Atley - London

*Developing Effective Group Facilitation - 2019 - Michael Ellis - The Gestalt Centre - London

* Advanced Practice in Couples and Relationship Therapy  2019 -  Modules 1 & 2 -Carmen Ablack - The Gestalt Centre - London







Thank you so much Tania, I loved your workshop. I felt more connected to my femininity and thinking about it now that has carried on, I'm wearing my earrings again and more in touch with what I wear. I felt connected to dancing and the amazing meditation. I had always thought our private parts were ugly so there was a real transformation around that. The workshop was full of love and femininity and freedom of expression, I loved the freedom of expression. I loved our heart connection, I'm more connected to the heart. So many things. Thank you Tania


"...Tania was patient and perceptive to the time required for each member to process each activity. She also bound the support of the whole group for each other. Her ability to present what was required depending on the present situation within the group makes me want to repeat the experience as I know each workshop will have its own special energy and healing generated to accommodate everyone.
I was surprised by the amount of activities presented that were simple in concept but complex in the way the energy changed and freedom of expression expanded and filtered into the core rather than bouncing off the outer shell. Very transforming!
The level of knowledge and experience was clear from the start of the workshop. The practical yet sensitive presentation of the anatomy of the genitalia was perfectly pitched. The explanations of arousal and orgasm and the function of the various structures was comfortable and reassuring.

As the workshop progressed and inhibitions faded a sense of connectedness to my femininity and heart took place. I went into the workshop as a thinking, fact based, somewhat self-absorbed, self-critical and very insular individual. I left the workshop embracing my femininity, feeling with my heart, connected to a group of women who were willing to support me and nurture my inner child and with a sense of inner freedom and personal achievement. The transformation was visible as well as felt.

The wonderful thing about this transformation is that it is permanent as far as I can tell. I approach everything with a new sense of worthiness as a woman and not as a “person”. It’s subtle yet profound in that the edges are softer but stronger, open not closed and the connections are heart felt not brain felt. This change has been noticed by my clients as we become more aligned. My business has exploded with “word of mouth” as I allow my intuition to work instead of my intellect. It’s a truly wonderful thing to be unable to explain why a healing takes place other than to say I “felt” it. I no longer am compelled to explain in scientific terms what happens with healing when the body is just doing what it knows how to do.
Interestingly, 75% of my clients are now women compared to 66% before the workshop. More women are coming to me with physical ailments that are related to stress and their role as women rather than physical trauma. Perhaps I am just more attuned to it or maybe they are but there has been a definite shift. I haven’t used any specific craniosexual holds yet but I think this not far away. Exciting stuff for the future! Thanks Tania.
C.F. Craniosexual Dynamics workshop ( 2 days) (NZ)

.".....I left each session feeling like I owned a bit more of myself, and could actually change a side of me that I never really liked.
It's a daily exercise and a long path but something has changed inside me and I look forward to continuing the journey.
Thank you Tania, there should be more kind and beautiful people like you to make this a better world.''

I highly recommend Tania and her Craniosexual Therapy work. As a woman, it resonates greatly with me. It not only has led me to a deeper knowing, understanding & exploration of myself but has also led to much change and empowerment in my life. Tania has helped me to grow and cultivate a powerful relationship with myself. Her kindness, wisdom and realism combined are truly effective and have helped me to embrace and own who I am. L.P.








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