Tânia Gallindo MBACP RCST Psychotherapeutic Counselling in Stroud, Gloucestershire
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy in Stroud near Gloucester and Online

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"Our real blessings appear to us in the shape of pains, losses and disappointments; but let us have patience we soon shall see them in proper figures." Joseph Addison




I work somatically, psychologically and spiritually (A connection/recognition to a wider and mysterious part of Self, non-religious necessarily) as well as with whatever else surfaces to be part of the picture. There is always more to therapy than one can imagine. The work is about you feeling listened to fully, which means feeling accepted no matter what. Heard in your pain, fear, anxiety, depression, sense of inadequacy, low self-steem, need to please, self-abandonment and complete hopelessness. Shame is often a difficult feeling which is present in our stories however  when experienced in such a compassionate space, it has an opportunity to be healed. A shift around who you think you are is consequently experienced, therefore opening a space for creativity, a possibility for a different way of being in the world than you knew to be possible to.


The whole experience is about waking up to who you are, becoming aware of unconcious forces which had to be in place when you were growing up, be it family background and/or the collective. Perhaps there was danger of not feeling seen, heard or loved by your main carer and as a survival mechanism you had to develop some traits. Some of which no longer fits and is making you feel unwell. Perhaps you are aware of a tendency or pattern in your life which feels lifeless but you are not quite sure where to go with it or how to change it. An awareness of ancestral trauma forces within your field will


A variety of techniques or tools are used during a psychotherapeutic counselling session. They are Guided meditation, Creative Guided Imagery, Chair Work (Gestalt), Subpersonality work (similar to family systems), Somatic Experiencing, Self-loving exercises and Eyes Gazing to name a few. These tools are used within the context of your unique experience presented in each session. 


I am a psychotherapeutic counsellor and bodyworker specialising in working with people suffering with known or unknown trauma (very common) issues as developmental trauma (widely common), complex trauma, trauma caused by physical and/or sexual abuse and other types of trauma such as generational and collective. Experienced trauma can be highly detrimental to one's daily life and some of the symptoms are anxiety, self-loathing, depression, low self-steem, ADHD and OCD to name a few dis-eases.  My work has a holistic and transpersonal touch to therapy, which sees problems or issues as an opportunity for self knowledge and growth. I have trained as a Psychosynthesis counsellor, which is an integrative, transpersonal and spiritual type of psychotherapy. It brings together different elements of specific therapies such as Dream work, Gestalt, Biodynamic and Attachment Therapies to name a few.

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” C. Jung.

I am particularly interested in Carl Jung approach to psychotherapy and somatic approaches to psychotherapy with its many ways to induce awareness, by unravelling and unpacking unconscious material, which influences how you lead your life. Once the unravelling of the unconscious forces behind your actions becomes conscious, there is an opportunity for a more authentic part of yourself to emerge. Ultimately you are able to take a bird eye view on your situation, and therefore dis-identify from a way of being, which inevitably no longer will fit. 

I am warm, approachable and gentle, however I will challenge you in a compassionate way, if I feel it will contribute to your growth. My aim is to help you get more clarity and grow to your full potential as a human being. 

It might be that you are seeking a bodywork approach to deal with your issue. Or perhaps you really need to talk in confidence in a non-judgmental way with someone that can really listen to you and Psychotherapeutic Counselling might be the best way to address your issue(s).

Whatever way you decide to go about transforming your situation, I am happy to support you. Whatever it is the issue or difficulty you may be going through, reach out. Things can get better.


I have worked as body therapist for over 27 years now and the experience of working physically, psychologically and spiritually greatly complements what I have to offer as a psychotherapeutic counsellor. Likewise my training and experience in psychotherapy informs the bodywork I offer.


Please get intouch to speak (20 min -free) and see if I can help you and if we are a good fit for you.

I offer Psychotherapeutic Counselling, and Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (virtual work available for some cases) in, Gloucestershire, Stroud, Gloucester, Cheltenham.

I am a Psychotherapeutic Counsellor &  Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist in Stroud. I offer face to face and online sessions.

I work with individuals, young and older people as well as babies, offering long term Psychotherapeutic Counselling and Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (online and in person),

I am registered with the BACP (British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy) and with CSTA (Craniosacral Therapy Association)

Psychotherapeutic Counselling, and Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy in Stroud, Gloucestershire, Cheltenham, Gloucester.

"It is not what we achieve in the world, but what we actualize in ourselves that is the true test of wether or not we may truly be said to have lived". Anthony Stevens

BCST testimonials

Tania is a skilled healer with a kindly, compassionate and comforting presence. She made the whole of me feel safe, welcome and accepted and the healing I recieved relieved and released much long-held anxiety and tension conferring a lasting improvement in the ease and depth of my breath and helping provide clarity and insight for the next steps of my life journey. Healing with Tania was a very special and positive experience and I recommend her highly. KT
"Thank you so much for yesterday's Craniosacral treatment, you are gifted...I feel like being reborn! Really there was a great release. I feel like a different person, thank you for facilitating this." A. B.

I have had many treatments with Tania over the years and would say that she has an extraordinary gift and passion for healing, backed up by an in-depth knowledge of the human body and psyche. She cares immensely about what she does and is continually adding to her knowledge through study and reflection on her practice. I can’t recommend her highly enough. T.O.

After the treatment on that afternoon I felt a heaviness and tenderness in my lower abdomen around my ovaries, suddenly I realised that they were realigning and that continued for a while. I contacted Tania and asked her if that was normal, it felt like my ovaries were talking to me. She replied: “what are they telling you?” And my answer was; “Slow down.” So she recommended me to follow my ovaries advice, which I did. Next morning I felt very connected to my body, balanced, lighter and relaxed. There was a sense of expansion on the whole of my pelvis and my body, a wave of sensuality flowing through my whole body slowing me down beautifully. It has given me a unique opportunity of connecting to my feminine body and to heal.

Each of my sessions of with Tania was unique and profound in its own way, and I was amazed at how my body and self was being treated in the same environment, by the same person, yet each time was so different from the other, like a story that arose and expressed itself, then dissipated and released.
During the first session, as Tania began the treatment, I felt rushes of energy coursing through my body, a delicious pleasant tingling from the soles of my feet, up my spine and into my buttocks, then into my head and beyond. A feeling of healing energy washed through me during the session, and a deep relaxation.

In the second treatment, as Tania placed her hand over my pubic area, where I have experienced chronic long term pain for 3 years, an image came to me very clearly, of a newborn baby, just delivered from the womb, tiny and crinkled, and held in the arms of somebody just in front of me. I don’t know if I was the child, or if the child was mine. Then, the baby disappeared and an image came of hundreds of writhing snakes inside my body, a huge mass of intertwined serpents, a terrifying vision.

Then again, quite clearly, as my focus came to my yoni(Vagina), I heard the words “sorry, sorry, sorry”. The words and pictures came clear as a bell. That evening, I woke in the middle of the night, with painful prickling sensations over my whole body and pelvic discomfort, the resurgence of an old sympton that I hadn’t experienced in well over a year. There is no doubt in my mind that the treatment brought to the surface, and released, a layer of very deep healing.

As I meditated on the experience the next day, questions came up and passed. Whilst my mind questioned the “sorry” that was spoken three times, I acknowledge that it’s enough simply to have heard the words. And for the words to have been expressed. I don’t need to know who or what or why, but somewhere some time, something happened that shouldn’t have. And tears came in recognition of this. As the tears pass I became aware of a surge of strength, a strong sense of connection with self and I feel the deliciousness of being me, in this body, in this life. My feet feel rooted to the ground, yet I’m aware of my sensitivity – the yin and the yang. I feel present, noting the colour of the walls, the warmth of the blanket wrapped around me, and I feel a great peace within. I am love.

During my third treatment, my body felt stiff and frozen, none of the usual lovely tingles of energy moving through. I felt convinced that nothing would come up this time. Then as Tania placed her hand over my yoni (vagina), I saw an image of many bats, hundreds of them, fluttering and flying out of my body, as if they’d suddenly been disturbed. Like beating an old carpet, and watching the dust billowing out. I began to cry, racked with tears, and a huge sense of catharsis and release, followed by complete exhaustion. I had the strong sense that another shedding of old trauma had been released.

Moving into the fourth session, I felt a lovely completion. As Tania laid her hands on me, there was nothing dramatic, no images, no words, no extreme emotions. I just experienced a calm and grounded feeling, of being really connected and “in” my body. And the strong awareness that I am just a soul encased inside a physical body. My body and consciousness welcomed and soaked up Tania’s treatment, and I feel great appreciation that we were able to meet in this space and do such powerful work together.

My sessions with Tania were gentle, compassionate and I felt held in a very safe and sacred space with her, whilst we worked together. She fully listened to me from her heart, and to feel completely “heard” is a healing thing in itself.

I know that my sessions with Tania prompted a great surge of energetic healing, and emotions that were long held were released organically. And having been chronically unwell for the last few years it excited me to know that this treatment moved something very profoundly, away from stagnation into movement and flow

I had a Craniosacral Therapy session with Tania. The reason for my visit was to get myself in touch with my femininity and to release any tension I might have had in my pelvic region.

The whole process encouraged me to open up, I realised I had tension in different areas of my pelvic floor and as they were released a sense of vitality and life force ensued. She also guided me to look at my own cervix for the very first time in my life.

Tania is a skilled therapist, sensitive and fully present in her approach. Her warmth and generous spirit made me feel instantly comfortable and her inquisitive nature has prompted me to also enquiry on my feelings, body sensations and thoughts making the experience for me extremely rich. I left feeling empowered, inspired and considering this treatment as a therapeutic process to have regularly.

The experience also made me think of the importance of this work for young women and teenagers. Its a type of work that increases self-esteem, self-confidence and empowers women through a felt sense of their own bodies. Women would less likely to experience negative sexual experiences and traumas as a consequence. This is how sexual education should be performed, in a positive way to empower not to scare.

Psychotherapeutic Counselling Testimonials


"Just want to say thank you for our session today, for always providing the space to explore and have a conversation openly, especially in a compassionate and non-judgmental way, and for all your support. I am grateful for all the wisdom and knowledge you share as well." N.D.

Tania Gallindo is a professional Counsellor and I am glad I made the right decision to choose her as my therapist in a period of my life when I was struggling with my problems.
I've been in therapy with Tania for 17 months during that time she helped me to interact with myself using the psychosynthesis model.
First I learnt to explore my problems with confidence and honesty then I started to dig down into my past to discover the traumas of my childhood and that allowed me to love myself at a different level, by acceptance and forgiveness, which is definitely the best way to feel more confident and positive.
Tania is very friendly and careful about listening and understanding, she had the ability to discuss my problems without interfering in my decisions and to make me think about my choices. M.A.


BCST for Baby Testimonial


Dear Tania, H. has been so relaxed after her Cranio session and most importantly she has been sleeping in the night for longer periods than before. We are very grateful for your help and for following up with us to check on her."


Psychotherapeutic Counselling/Bodywork Testimonial


I recently had a series of mentoring sessions with Tania and just wanted to share my story to hopefully encourage other women who may be hesitant or think it is not important enough to focus on their own sexuality.   Initially, committing to the the two hour weekly sessions for four weeks seemed an extravagance of time, particularly with a toddler, but it has been the most worthwhile and enduring gift I have given myself (and in time, hopefully my daughter).
The subject of the treatment was to address my lack of libido, inability to orgasm and dislike of my body.  To be honest, this isn’t what inspired me to contact Tania.   It was only after I read more about her as a therapist that I became interested in what lies beneath all this, the sexuality and sexual energy of being a woman.  My hope was to finally feel comfortable with my body and myself to subsequently become a better role model in the future for my daughter.
I could not have imagined the experience of awareness and awakening that this process has given me.  
I have tried, with minimum success, various therapy over the years to improve my self esteem/self worth, so I find it hard to believe myself how after four sessions I feel so incredibly ‘womanly’.   It’s very difficult to explain this feeling, particularly without it sounding trite, but I feel I have discovered my innate and fundamental ‘womanness’. I feel like I have gone back to basics.   In my core I feel nurturing, calm, womanly, beautiful, confident, maternal, strong.    I realize that sexuality is not ‘sex’ but a sexual energy that allows you to feel empowered not vulnerable.
This wasn’t a quick fix, I’m not ‘cured’ but I have a new sense of who I am and that is a very powerful (and empowering) state to be in.
You can only successfully and comfortably do this with someone of Tania’s experience, openness and gentle nature. 
Not only a wonderful therapist, but Tania was a nurturing guide through this process.   I appreciated that she shared her own experiences and it seemed to me that she adapted her learnings to suit me as a person rather than following a ‘program’ so I felt like the exercises we did together were individual rather than text-book.   The actual craniosacral therapy was blissful, but it was the conversations we had that resonated with me days and weeks later.
I am so grateful to have been introduced to this treatment by such a wonderful and inspirational therapist and mentor.



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